Life's Little Improvements

How To Identify And Eliminate Distractions

This blog post will give you a step-by-step way to identify and eliminate distractions. Let’s be honest, we all have distractions and I’m not talking about the nice little distraction when you need a break from work.  I’m talking about the distractions that keep us away from accomplishing our goals. They can be things, people, and activities that are not allowing us to complete or be productive with our goals, task, jobs, or family. Simply just stealing valuable time that you or I can’t get back. 

Let’s Talk About Distractions

Distractions have many faces. For me, they are 🖥📱🌮🍪👫. For you, they may be different. Here in this post, we will learn how to identify them. Once you have identified your distractions all that is left is to eliminate them. Yes…

So the first thing we need to do is identify the distractions. We can do this right now. Grab a piece of paper or a tablet (whatever you prefer). Let’s start with writing down the things you noticed that are taking up your time, day by day, and are not necessary for your goal, purpose, or just things that are important for you to get done. If some of you are having a hard time identifying your distractions, start by making your to-do list. Things you want to accomplish and get done. Now, if you notice there are things you have been doing that do not contribute to your to-do list, then put them on your list of distractions. 👍🏾

Here’s somethings I came up with and I’ll share them with you guys:

  • TV (I don’t watch a lot, but when I do get a chance, I’ll notice I’m 4 episodes in 🤦🏾‍♀️
  • E-mails that are not important, I can read later. (At a set time to go over miscellaneous e-mails)
  • Scrolling/checking social media. Set a time limit, unless it’s for my (your) business.
  • People that are draining, negative, and not supportive of what I’m (you’re) doing.
  • Unnecessary busy work that can be put off until later, that’s not on your immediate to-do list or making you money.
  • Mental distractions; like overthinking, daydreaming, and taking on more than you can handle. Relax and clear your mind from negative thoughts.
  • Food (this is a distraction for me at times, I can not stop eating)

Here’s my list (above), feel free to use something from this list if you can relate. If you feel comfortable sharing your list, it may be something we didn’t think of.

For some of us, our kids can be distractions from time to time. But no matter how much you want to put them on your list, we can’t (LOL). There’s another list we can put our little loves on. Our scheduled plan list, which we can set times for activities with them and set time for you to do what’s on your to-do list. Having a plan scheduled out is very important. We will dive more into that in another blog post.

Eliminating Time

Now that we have identified our distractions, it’s time to work on eliminating them. The first thing I did was print out my list and post it on my wall, just like a vision board. (This part is optional). This way it helps me have a constant reminder that I can see to keep me on track. The image below is a sample. Mine has 30-day challenge on top because I’m jump-starting this by eliminating my distraction for 30 days; we will go over this later. You can write yours out on paper if you like. If you would like a blank copy of this sheet and our weekly to-do list, just sign up below and the printouts will be sent to you.

The next step is to prepare for your day; you should make a schedule for what you plan to do each day; this can be done the night before or Sunday for the whole week. If your to-do list is crazy long (like most moms) just split it up into smaller lists. This way you will not overwhelm yourself and become mentally distracted by the list. Remember we are eliminating distractions not adding to them. I have been guilty of this and will not continue to do this. Can anyone relate?

Now you need your schedule to deal with and eliminate your distractions. Based on your particular distractions you will plan out your day. Whether you are cutting back on the amount of time you speed on these things or cut them out altogether. I will use my list as an example (the list is above). I will start with cutting my distractions out altogether for 30 days and then after that limit myself to a certain amount of time or days. (My plan to deal with and eliminate distractions; example below ⬇)

30 Day Eliminating Distractions Challenge

  • TV- I will not watch during (30DC). I Will allow 30 mins only if I’m on the treadmill
  • Phone– Turn off unnecessary notifications, do not answer calls unless important. I can return calls once I’m done with my list or 80% done.
  • Checking E-mails- Setting a time to check important messages and less important ones for when I’m done with my to-do list.
  • Scrolling Social Media- Absolutely no scrolling until my to-do list for the day is done.
  • Mental Distractions- Not today… Relax your mind and take a deep breath and take this time to celebrate what you have accomplished so far. You have to change your perspective. Now focus on one thing at a time.
  • Unnecessary Eating- I love eating and it has gotten out of control. I noticed just recently that once I was done eating lunch I then had a snack, and right after that another snack, and so on. This is not healthy, I have to do something about this now. I will set an eating schedule and give up one favorite snack for the 30 days. Pray for me.
  • People- That is draining and negative. I will not converse with them at all during the 30 days and after that, I will quickly remove myself from that situation when it arises.

I hope this example is helpful for you.

You can take this day by day or jump start by doing the 30 Day Eliminating Distractions Challenge. It’s up to you. I have done this challenge before and it was the best. I couldn’t believe how much I got done and the extra time I had to spend with my family and get to the things I’ve never had time for before. This is why I’m doing it again and sharing it with you all.

If you’re doing the 30 Day Challenge, set the date you will start and put it on your calendar. This way you can keep track of your days and be ready to celebrate when you make it to the 30-day mark 🥳. Above, you will find all the tools you need to get started: Identifying them (distractions), making your list, and eliminating your distractions.

After you eliminate your distractions or do the 30 Day Challenge, please feel free to share if you noticed you had more time to get things done, more time with family, and so on.

Was this affective for you?

Would you do it again?

Have you decided to change some of your daily habits after doing this challenge?

I would love to hear from you; share your thoughts and experience below in the comments.

Need support with this, let me know at and I’ll set up a private 30 Day Eliminating Distractions Challenge Support Group.

A quick tip: To help yourself out during this challenge, make sure to get rest, eat better, exercise, and meditate. This will help your mind and body flow. Focus on one thing at a time.

Thank you guys for stopping by and reading,

Much 💜 La Tasha C.

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