Life's Little Improvements

Life Happens… What can you do?

Hello beautiful people,

it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted or written a blog post, and let me tell you it’s just like the title says; Life Happens… What can you do?

Let me just start by saying be careful of what you ask for; you may just get it. Before the year 2022 started I asked for a year of change. I mean I believed I also asked for the same thing for year 2021. And that’s probably where it all started, I desperately needed change in my life. I was miserable, sad, lonely, and depressed. I looked in the mirror and I didn’t recognize the person I was seeing. I wanted change so bad for me and my children that I wasn’t thinking. Meaning, when you ask for something you are manifesting and putting it out in the universe you must be very specific about what you are asking for.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely needed this change to happen. I should have just been a little more clear on how to protect my mental and physical during this change and not to let my babies be affected by it in a way that they feel lost.
I can’t go into this particular change right now. I would have to share this later on in a future blog.

While dealing with this major change in my life, I knew it was something that must happen and I’ve put all of my time into making it happen. I took a break from my blogging and other business passions I have. I also wasn’t paying attention to my health. Now that we are about to go into a new year I know I must get back to myself and not get consumed by this and God will work it out. I’ve put a lot of time into making sure the change happens. Now I must focus on New Beginnings, my health the health of my family, and finding out who I am again.

I also lost my mom just a couple of months ago. This has been a very rough year for me. And I must recenter myself get back to writing and loving myself. I will write on this new calendar to start the year 2023, the “Year of great things”.

What can you do when life happens?

I know after the year I just had I will be more clear and precise with what I want. I’ll stay calm, and practice more self-care (being a mother of two I never take time for myself they are my priority) this will help me keep balance. What I want to share most with you, is never give up no matter what. Don’t let the fact that you lost time keep you from starting back up. That first attempt at restarting is always the hardest, whether it’s starting your workout routine again, reading, planning your business/starting a business, reorganizing your home, starting a new life, etc. You’ll never know if you don’t try. Every day is a new day, remember that. Take that new day and make the BEST of it.

Like I said before it’s been a long time since I’ve done a blog post, this is the first in about a year. I’m going to push myself to do better, by taking it one day at a time. 😊

Sometimes we have a difficult day/year, you can’t beat yourself up about it. All you can do is focus on the new, and start fresh. The past is the past. Get It Done!

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